Thank you in advance for participating in our affiliates program. Here are the details for how the program is operated.
Once your account is activated, you will be able to link to it with a special code, or utilize our xml catalog run the catalog on your own website. All orders are processed by us, you provide the traffic and receive commission on the sales.
For any and all products sold through your catalogs, DRS, Inc. will remit commission of the sales to you (based on the commission rate you choose, this does not include sales tax, shipping or handling) plus a 5% over-ride on sales made by sites that sign up through you. Checks will be sent to you monthly, balances under $100 will be carried over to the next month.
Order reports are viewable online, allowing easy tracking of your account status.
Either party may cancel this program at any time.
DRS, Inc. reserves the right to change the payout rate with prior 30-day written notice.
DRS, Inc. is not responsible for any loss due to system down times.